Asbestos Abatement in the Field

They Pipe Yard offers exceptional quality and cost effective services for pipeline take-up and removals, asbestos abatement in the field, pipe yard cleanup and demolition projects.

The Pipe Yard, Inc. is a preferred field asbestos abatement firm for many operators and pipeline construction contractors. Our team consists of highly trained and experienced 40-hour EPA-NESHAP supervisors as well as 8-hour accredited abatement workers.

Our highly skilled crews perform field ACM abatement services using wet methods in accordance with EPA-NESHAP 40 CFR 61 Subpart M and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101.

All hazardous material is properly collected and disposed of in compliance with state and federal regulations. A signed manifest and chain of custody of disposed material will be provided upon completion of the project.